Summary of Gastric Cancer
Epidemiology & Etiology: Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent use has been associated with a lower risk for cancer of the gastroesophageal junction and other gastrointestinal tumors.41 Cigarette smoking, H. pylori infection, Epstein-Barr virus, radiation exposure, and prior gastric surgery for benign ulcer disease also have been implicated as risk factors. Diagnosis: Staging includes chest x-ray, chest CT scans, and abdominal imaging to rule out metastasis and to determine surgical resectability. PET scans are not (yet) recommended as standard diagnostic procedure in view of limited sensitivity, but can be helpful to determine the resectability of gastric cancers in select cases.48 The role of EUS is less clear in gastric cancer than in esophageal and gastroesophageal junction cancers. Treatment: D2 lymphadenectomy was associated with lower locoregional recurrence (12% vs. 22%) and gastric cancer–related death rates (37% vs. ...